N – Nuts Dream Symbols & Meanings

DREAMS:   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z

Nail Dreams

(see Hammer, Tools)

Someone who is being, or trying to be, impenetrable and rugged (e.g., “tough as nails”).

The ability and wherewithal to hold things together. What objects get nailed together in this case is quite significant.

Being unjustly accused and sentenced (as Christ) by those around you, often a peer group. Alternatively, being caught in an untruth or illegal activity (e.g., “getting nailed”).

Discovering an underlying, fundamental truth or reality (e.g., “nailing it down”).

Correctly interpreting something that your Higher Self, others, or the Universe has been trying to communicate (e.g., “hitting the nail on the head”).

Nails have a piercing quality that can be useful or harmful. Is there a relationship in your life right now that seems painfully binding?

Nails that are not flush with the woodwork represent those unseen snags in life. These can delay progress until you free yourself.

Nakedness Dreams

(see Barefoot, Body, Clothes)

Being, or feeling, overexposed.

Freedom; the loosening of conventional restrictions.

The real you, devoid of all exterior masks.

Total comfort with yourself to the point where you need no trappings for confidence. Also the ability to be totally open and honest.

The barest, most succinct facts (e.g., the “naked truth”). Look to see what appears naked in the dream for further insight.

Names Dreams

(see Abbreviations)

Each name’s meaning derives from its root language. Patricia, for example, means noble (which is the origin of the word patrician). Try looking in a baby’s name book for more information along these lines.

Names can have symbols built into them. For example, someone in your dream named Mr. or Mrs. Heart can symbolize your own emotions, or a person you know who is very loving.

Receiving a new name in a dream indicates drastic change and personal transformations to the point of a figurative rebirth. In European or Judaic folk traditions, healers often gave people new names to fool the spirit of sickness into leaving the body. Similarly, in many cultures a child is given a new name after undergoing a rite of passage into adulthood. This name marks the child’s new role in that society.

A sense of individuality. Each person’s name engenders images and feelings to those who hear it. People often chose nicknames that are more appropriate representations of their true natures.

The development of, or initiation into, an esoteric or metaphysical path. Many people practicing such faiths adopt a new name that reflects their spiritual vision and other positive qualities.

Control over aspects of the self or a specific situation. Many ancient peoples in Europe believed that I you knew a person’s or entity’s true name (like that of a fairy), you would have power over it. By naming something in a dream, you may be trying to exert or develop increased command, and make that item or characteristic more concrete.

Needle Dreams

(see Connecting Devices, Fabric, Sewing)

Dreams about needles can symbolize the following:

An alternative symbol of male sexuality sometimes in a derogatory sense.

If attached to a thread, the emblem of repair, alteration and reconnecting. Perhaps a relationship has been torn asunder and needs mending. Or, maybe there is an aspect of self that needs healing or other important adjustments.

Conducting fruitless searches or participating in unproductive worrying (e.g., looking for a “needle in a haystack”).

Things, people, or situations that bother you to the point of distraction (e.g., “what’s needling you”).

Knitting needles can represent manipulating circumstances so that they come out a specific way. Alternatively, this may be a type of networking dream in which the fibers of a situation are carefully knit back together.

Embroidery indicates an intense attention to embellishing basic details and making sure everything has finishing touches that reflect your personality.

Nest Dreams

(see Birds, Trees)

A dream manifestation of the nesting instinct common to pregnant women, or women who wish to conceive.

Building or finding a safe haven for yourself and your loved ones.

A bird sitting on eggs in a nest reflects the figurative hatching of ideas or plans, and knowing that all things come with time and patience.

Net Dreams

(see Fish, Knots, Web)

Nine Dreams

(see Numbers/Numerology)

Changes that lead to completion, a sense of closure, and wholeness.

Matters of health and vitality. Folk medicine frequently mentions treatment being applied nine times, over nine days, and other similar applications for this number.

In Eastern beliefs, the number of self-mastery.

If the nine in your dream is seen as part of a set of 10, this reveals a situation that is just short of being finished. Take a second look and make sure all the loose ends are tied up.

Dreaming about Numbers can be a sign your higher self is urging you to learn about Numerology and the sacred meaning of Numbers.

Also, make sure to use our Numerology Calculator and discover your Life Path, Destiny, Personality, Soul and Career Numbers!

Noon Dreams

(see Light, Sun, Twelve)

North Dreams

(see Directions, Locations)

Nose Dreams

(see Body, Face)

Your investigative instincts (e.g., being able to “sniff” something out).

Truthfulness or lack thereof, like the story of Pinocchio.

Recognizing quality or the lack of it, like someone who has a “nose for wine.”

If you dream of a stuffed nose, this indicates that something is stifling your ability to breathe freely and enjoy your leisure time. Alternatively, this may be a circumstantial dream caused by a cold or sinus condition.

A bleeding nose represents having your dignity somehow affronted.

Notarization Dreams

(see Oaths, Writing)

Confirming to yourself or the Universe something’s validity and sincerity.

Change in your life for which you feel witnesses or confirmations are required from an external source. Very often when making an effort to improve yourself, having someone note the transformation they see is a much-needed motivator to keep pressing forward.

Number/Numerology Dreams

(see by individual number, Clock)

Duration of time: Hours, days, weeks, months, and years before something comes to fruition.

Personally significant numbers like birthdates or anniversaries that engender specific feelings and memories, or accent personal needs.

Counting: Pacing yourself, following a set routine without diverting. Alternatively, the number reached could indicate the number of people or situations you regularly “count on.”

Fractions in dreams represent seeing only part of a greater picture. Before you make a decision here, make sure you get your facts straight and read the fine print.

Numbers appearing out of sequence portray chaotic undercurrents in life caused by procrastination or the lack of organization.

Upon what do the numbers appear? This object may help interpretation. For example, numbers on a house may equate to a real address that you know. Numbers on a calendar might be a special date in your life. Those appearing on an odometer might counsel you to slow down a bit so that you don’t wear your engine (see Car), and those on a telephone could be a nudge to call someone specific with whom you’ve been avoiding communication.

Dreaming about Numbers can be a sign your higher self is urging you to learn about Numerology and the sacred meaning of Numbers.

Also, make sure to use our Numerology Calculator and discover your Life Path, Destiny, Personality, Soul and Career Numbers!

Numbness Dreams

(see Paralyzation)

A situational dream that comes from sleeping awkwardly on a body part.

Avoiding emotions by turning them off.

Experiencing so great a shock that the reality of a situation doesn’t immediately sink in, leaving you feeling numb and out of touch.

Nuts Dreams

(see Eating, Trees by type)

An emblem of male sexuality and virility, equated with the testes. Europeans used to eat nuts at the end of the meal to ensure continued fecundity (that’s how we came by the expression “from soup to nuts”).

If eaten by a woman, a symbol of fertility or pregnancy.

Cracking open: seeing or revealing the core of the self.

As a play on words, this dream can relate to something that is literally driving you “nuts.”

If eaten (or given) as part of a wedding or other gathering, the symbolism changes to providence and joy.

Among the Scots, nuts were favored for love divinations, and as such may speak of increasing love in your current relationship, or a new partner. Much here will depend on the rest of the dream’s contents.

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